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4. Wealthy Affiliate

“You cannot make people love a service;

you have to create a service that

people love.”Those are the words of Kyle,

a guy with a true passion for helping

people; Kyle is one of the co- founders

of Wealthy Affiliate.

When he isn't coming up with outlandish

ideas or helping folks within the

community,you will find him working on

many of the training platforms/courses within Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Online Earning comes in Four Easy & Simple Steps! Let’s go there!


Step 1: Decide what your website is going to be about? What do you know a lot about? What’s your work experience? What hobbies do you have? What shows do you watch? Your website can literally be about damn near anything. But even if you don’t have an idea yet that’s fine, Wealthy Affiliate helps you with this!


Step 2: Build your FREE website. This is probably where you are hyperventilating because you think building a site is like ice skating up a mountain backwards. Trust me it’s not that hard. If you can click on a few buttons then that's pretty much all the skills you need. You can actually build one for FREE and in less than 2 minutes.


Step 3: Get People to visit your website for FREE. No it’s not like the field of dreams where just because you build it people will come. Fortunately there is Google and they will literally send you tons of FREE visitors to your website. If you know how to write an email you’ll be able to write content on your website that will have Google sending you thousands of new people to your website 24 hours per day for FREE. The fact you’re on my site now shows this works. But if you're still nervous, don't worry because Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to do this.  It’s a lot easier than you think.





Step 4: Make Money Without Your Own Product. So you’re probably wondering well how the hell am I going to make money with this website if I don’t have a product or service to sell? Well the fact of the matter is you don’t need to have any of that. There are literally thousands of companies like Ebay, Amazon, etc., that will pay you for promoting their products on your website. People click on their links on your site and if they buy something or ask for more information you get paid a commission! Wealthy Affiliate goes into more details about how to find companies willing to work with you and how to add them on your site. Basically, these 4 simple steps are pretty much all you need to start making real money online. Obviously, it’s been over-simplified by the above overview.


Can I Really Do This?

Sure! It's not rocket science. At this point you may be having doubts about if you can do this or not. Let’s put it this way. You weren’t born knowing how to read. But here you are on this website reading this page. You weren’t born knowing how to do any of the jobs you had. But eventually you learned the skills that allowed you to get and do your job. You weren’t born knowing how to use the internet, but somehow you managed to log onto the internet and find this website.


At the end of the day all this proves that you have the ability to learn anything new if you put your mind to it and have the proper support. Well, this online business that WA teaches you is no different than anything else you learned in life. The only real question is; are you willing to learn something that can potentially change your life forever. You can continue to earn little bits of money or none at all with these other websites. But you deserve a lot more. Wealthy Affiliate can give you that in time as it did for its other esteem users. You just have to be able to say YES to yourself.


Wealthy Affiliate and other older user/mentors will literally hold your hand and walk you through the entire process with no hassles at all. History has already proven you are capable of learning new things. Don’t let a little intimidation of anything new stop you for giving this a shot, especially because it literally cost nothing to get started? So what do you really have to lose?


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Article credits to Eddy with a y.

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